NYE 2020 – My Top Ten

I can’t believe that we are entering a new year – new decade. I was telling my husband yesterday that this is the first time in a long time I am super excited about what the new year has in store for us. As you know every year we think to ourselves what can we do differently – what new resolution we are going to create and try to stick to? This year I gave myself 10 things I want to accomplish in 2020. To me, this is the first time I can say they are realistic and can relate to any one of you. Here are my top 10 in no special order:

  • Health – this is the first year where I am not going to say “I want to lose 20 lbs”. Instead I am going to focus on my health, which will include learning moderation – drinking more water – get exercise in by either going to the gym or taking a walk. If I end up losing weight by commiting to my health that will be a plus for me. I am tired of focusing on dieting and what I should and should not eat. I want to enjoy every bit of life and if it includes the occasional ice cream from Bedford Farms then be it!
  • Date My Husband” – For those that do not know I have been with my husband for over 20 years. We pretty much grew up together. We have accomplished so much – college, marriage, our first home, our kids – he is my partner in crime. With how busy we are with kids and work it can be very easy to fall into a routine and go with the flow attitude. This year I want to make sure we continue focusing on us – more date nights – weekend getaways – spend that quality time that will continue to make us the great team we are.
  • Quality Time with Kids Individually As you know I have two kids – my son is 12 and my daughter will be turning 5 this month. Each kid has their own needs and wants and this year I want to make sure we spend time with them individually so they have our undivided attention. Taking my daughter to get our nails done or playing a game. Taking my son out for dinner or a movie so he can speak his mind and tell me about his day without any interruptions from his sister. 🙂
  • Time – I always tell my friends and family how time is my enemy. When I have an event and have to be somewhere by a certain time I pretty much work backwards to accomplish all the things I need to do to make sure I am on time. This year I am going to relax and stop this anxiety. I can’t focus my life around numbers on a clock. If I am late somewhere nothing will happen – the event will continue.
  • Phone off – I find myself always coming home from work and still on my phone checking emails, and replying back to them. I am going to stop doing that. If someone is emailing me that late they need to shut down too and focus on the more important things than work. I am also going to take a break from my phone during the week while I am with my family. All that can wait as well. I am going to live in the moment – which we sometimes forget to do. As much as I love my “fans” I think you guys will understand. 🙂
  • Blog More – I started G Knows Fashion so I can share all my favorite finds with you. Its actually been amazing how much you guys have accepted me and supported me. This year I want to focus more on this little blog. Share my ideas here – vent – and make sure you have a better idea of who I am and what I love. This blog will also help me make more time for myself as well. Give me an hour to focus on what I love.
  • Friends – As you know I have been friends with the same group of girls for over 30 years. I want to continue focusing on nurturing our friendship and sticking to our monthly dates. These girls are an extension of my family, and I definitely don’t want to lose that.
  • Take Chances – Starting G Knows Fashion was a very big step for me. Very outside my comfort zone. I have wanted to do this for years, but I was afraid of rejection or criticism. The day I posted my new ig handle in stories from my personal account was scary but also so thrilling. This new adventure has given me the confidence and the motivation I have been looking for for years. This was my proof that life is about taking chances. If it doesn’t work out you move on to the next challenge.
  • Say YES more – This is related to my previous post. I have alway been conservative when it comes to decisions. I am very good at pushing my friends out of their comfort zone, but I never have listened to my own advice. This will end today! If you don’t say YES to things how do you know what the outcome will be? Its one life – if you fall you will just pick yourself up.
  • Focus More On Me – I feel like I never put myself first. I have always focused on my family. This year I want to focus on me too. If I am not taking care of myself – how can I take care of the people I love? That will include taking a mental break – get massages – get facials. Make sure that I focus on my mental health to ensure I am able to stick to this list.

Reading through the list you can see a common them – focus on things I love – me, my family, my friends and this little blog. Happy New Year! I am wishing you all a happy and healthy 2020.