Can We Rewind 2020?

Can someone press rewind on 2020? I would have never imagined that this would be the start to my spring.  Whoever thought that a virus from another continent would make its way to our homes and disrupt our lives.  I mean how many of you are feeling isolated from the world, or caught up in your own thoughts?  I know there are days that I catch myself overthinking and becoming anxious because let’s face it is an invisible enemy.

When I find myself in these thoughts I back up and try to keep it together because:
1) I am a Mom – I have to ensure my kids don’t internalize or feel my stress
2) I can only control what I can control and
3) There’s always wine…LOL

Below are the top things I do to make sure I don’t lose control or myself.  I hope this helps you as well:

MAKE YOUR BED: I don’t know about you but when I make my bed and things are organized it makes me feel better.  If I walk into a mess it gets me feeling overwhelmed. I get into panic mode or anxious, which is the last thing I want.

GET DRESSED: Ladies this means putting on a bra!  I know its easy to just roll out of bed and just exist, but when I dress up (even in sweatpants and leggings) I feel great.  It’s helping me tackle the day.

PUT MAKEUP ON: I don’t know about you but when my brows are on fleek and my lashes are popping, I feel amazing.  I don’t care to wear foundation, but I do put on mascara, fill my brows in, and put on my favorite lip gloss.  I just feel like myself, which I know can get easily lost if I don’t try.

PUT PERFUME ON: Haha…you’re probably saying to yourself “Georgia you’re lucky I put mascara on today”. Yesterday my husband was like “Did you put perfume on?” And my reply “Yes, babe I did”.  Is there a scent that you have that takes you back to an amazing memory – a beach vacation, night out with your significant other, or ladies’ night?  When I spray myself with that special perfume it takes me back to a memory and I automatically get in a better mood.

ACCESSORIZE: Yes, you heard me!  I am always wearing my layered necklaces and earrings.  This to me is the cherry for the ice cream sundae.  It just completes my look and helps me feel normal.

PUT ON YOUR FAVORITE TUNE:  Just like perfume – certain music takes me to my happy place.   I don’t know about you but when I listen to Greek music, I am envisioning myself drinking a Nescafe frape (Greek iced coffee) while tanning along the coast of Crete. 

GO OUTSIDE: There is nothing better than the smell of spring, and the birds chirping.  When the weather is nice, I take a walk, and I get caught up in nature that I stop thinking of the current situation.  The fresh air fills up my lungs and give me that burst of energy I needed.

SCHEDULE AN ONLINE MEETING:  Grab some snacks and a beverage of choice and schedule time with your besties.  Being home all day you lose that connection especially if you’re home with the kids.  Take an hour out of the week and reconnect with your friends.  Pretend it’s a fabulous dinner at some hip place in the city.  The best part you can wear your leggings, top knot and sweatshirt…LOL.

I guess what I am trying to say is that if you keep your mind busy with things that make you happy it will get you through this temporary inconvenience.  I am wishing you guys health and safety. Let me know what you guys do to get you in a better mood.

Xoxo – Georgia